169 похожих чатов

`/** * Class Command * * Base class for commands.

It includes some helper methods that can fetch data directly from the Update object.
* @method Message getMessage() Optional. New incoming message of any kind — text, photo, sticker, etc.
* @method Message getEditedMessage() Optional. New version of a message that is known to the bot and was edited
* @method Message getChannelPost() Optional. New post in the channel, can be any kind — text, photo, sticker, etc.
* @method Message getEditedChannelPost() Optional. New version of a post in the channel that is known to the bot and was edited
* @method InlineQuery getInlineQuery() Optional. New incoming inline query
* @method ChosenInlineResult getChosenInlineResult() Optional. The result of an inline query that was chosen by a user and sent to their chat partner.
* @method CallbackQuery getCallbackQuery() Optional. New incoming callback query
* @method ShippingQuery getShippingQuery() Optional. New incoming shipping query. Only for invoices with flexible price
* @method PreCheckoutQuery getPreCheckoutQuery() Optional. New incoming pre-checkout query. Contains full information about checkout
* @method Poll getPoll() Optional. New poll state. Bots receive only updates about polls, which are sent or stopped by the bot
* @method PollAnswer getPollAnswer() Optional. A user changed their answer in a non-anonymous poll. Bots receive new votes only in polls that were sent by the bot itself.
* @method ChatMemberUpdated getMyChatMember() Optional. The bot's chat member status was updated in a chat. For private chats, this update is received only when the bot is blocked or unblocked by the user.
* @method ChatMemberUpdated getChatMember() Optional. A chat member's status was updated in a chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat and must explicitly specify “chat_member” in the list of allowed_updates to receive these updates.
* @method ChatJoinRequest getChatJoinRequest() Optional. A request to join the chat has been sent. The bot must have the can_invite_users administrator right in the chat to receive these updates.

Вот такая аннтотация причем методов нет проекте, что это такое вообще ?

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9 просмотров

Если методов нет, смотри метод __call

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