171 похожих чатов

Any thoughts on the MODX3-alpha? I installed it on MODX

cloud to take a first look. And after the absolutely positive and exciting fact that it exists at all, it was a bit sobering … If you look past the fact that ExtJS with all it's quirks and glacial speed is still around, there are some expected bugs but also some design decisions that are puzzling. The first is the position of the collapse-tree-arrow. But the worst is the fact that the content area is now always a lot smaller because of that sidebar with. This is really terrible for ContentBlocks. It it could at least be collapsed horizontally, but no, only vertically, which is of no use whatsoever. To get more horizontal space, we now need to completely collapse the resource-tree … I really hope that this will be reversed.

Apart from that: the new colors are nice, the re-arrangeable dashboard is great.

The new vertical menu is ok, takes a bit of getting used to, bit it's fine. But I'd rather have the submenu-modals in the same color as the menu (dark blue), to signal that they belong together, instead of white. It otherwise blends in with the white rest of the page too much.

1 ответов

37 просмотров

норм отзыв, тож считаю что подменю не должно быть белым, ибо теряется. но то что боковая панель у него стала меньше я хз, видимо у него 13 дюймов и ему каждый пиксель критичен

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