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Can I use nunjucks in node and the browser/client-side? Yes. Nunjucks

supports all modern browsers and any version of Node.js currently supported by the Node.js Foundation.

Can I precompile templates for server-side use (Node/Express)?
No, precompiled templates are a browser/client-side optimization only. It is not necessary to precompile on the server because templates are compiled then cached the first time they are individually loaded for rendering. The compiled template will then remained cached in memory until the server restarts.

You can choose never to cache by setting configure's noCache option to true.

Can I use the same templates between nunjucks and jinja2? What are the differences?
Kind of. There are enough differences that it might take some work. The first problem is that nunjucks lets you access native JavaScript constructs, while jinja2 lets you access Python. This means that there are minor gotchas like the boolean literal being true in nunjucks but True in jinja2, and if you call native methods on arrays the API will be different.

However, if you avoid accessing the native language features (like {{ str.trim() }}) and rely solely on filters and pure templating features, it should be easy to make templates compatible.

Nunjucks has experimental support for installing APIs into the templating environment to help with Jinja compatibility. See installJinjaCompat.

Additionally, there are few jinja2 features not implemented in nunjucks:

The special self variable
for does not support if not and else
if i is divisibleby(3)-style conditionals
Sandboxed mode
Note: this makes it unsuitable for applications requiring user-defined templates
Line statements: # for item in seq
Lastly, any custom Python filters and extensions will have to be written in JavaScript.

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