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Hello. I have a public repo which has source code

for UI of my flutter android app. It has a workflow which builds the apk on every push.

Now i want to start firebase integration in the app. I was thinking to create a private branch so that no one can misuse my app with firebase connected.

But according to this
we cannot create a private branch on public repo.

i can try the other solution to duplicate the public repo into a private one. But then if i make changes to UI in the firebase private repo can i pull only that specific code to the UI public repo?

another solution was to create a branch on public repo for firebase integration but add the google services json to gitignore, but i have a workflow that builds the app, without the google services json the app will not build.

what is the efficient approach here?
i don't want to manually copy paste the UI code from firebase repo to UI repo everytime i make a change.

it would be better if there was an option to create a private branch on public repo.

2 ответов

15 просмотров

Why not download your personal google service Json from Firebase console

ANDRIO- Автор вопроса
Crazibeat AZCPAY
Why not download your personal google service Json...

i think you did not understand. yes i will download the personal google services json from firebase and put in my android directory. But when i will push the code to github, it will be available for all to use when they fork my repo. i want to prevent others from doing so. i do not want to make my repo private.

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