to access the class that extends StateNotifier without WidgetRef ?
this is called progress 😁, maybe you can try ConsumerWidget
noo i want to call from the initState
I have been testing my application on ios device without any paid developer account and i have to re run the release application every 7 days is there any way to avoid running...
Can you think of making it more minimal final String? dateString = ancestor.acquisitionDate != null // ? DateFormat("DD MMM YYYY").format(ancestor.acquisitionDate...
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: SplashScreen(), ); } } class SplashScreen e...
Does anyone have a book on Flutter design patterns?
hello everyone I have a problem when I want to handle click on flutter local notification I use this code : Future<void> initNotificaiton() async { AndroidInitializati...
Hi everyone, sorry if this is off-topic. I have a Flutter app in production with a Laravel backend that sends notifications to the app via FCM. My server has the following sp...
Future<void> _onLogin(AuthenticationEvent event, Emitter<AuthenticationState> emit) async { try { emit(state.copyWith(event: AuthenticationEvents.loginStart)); ...
I'm writing this application with Flutter. How do you think it happened?
hi, can you gays can login the linkedin ?
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