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Hi, I need to setup a multi-monitor setup for myself.

I have a windows PC for gaming. I have a Macbook pro for coding. There is an ultrawide LG monitor with 2 HDMI ports and 1 display port. There is another 27 inch LG monitor with 2 HDMI ports only. Now There is no way I can do display chaining since only one of them has a display port.

I want to know if there are hubs that I can use for both my desktop PC and macbook. KVM hubs to be specific. I have a 4070 Ti GPU and MSI B550 Gaming Edge wifi motherboard. I have a Macbook Pro 14 inch M2. I would want the hub to allow me to seamlessly switch the displays between the two. I dont care much about the keyboard and mouse as they support multi device connection anyway. Also, the ultrawide is 2k @160 Hz. I would not like the hub to bottleneck it. What should I go for?

2 ответов

8 просмотров

2k is a bit obscure to search for. 4k is more common. They are also called kvm switches. The biggest problem is hdmi, most kvm switches i know use display port, since most customers for these are companies and displayport is cheaper and has other advantages that make it more attractive.

MrObjectOriented-Ass Автор вопроса
2k is a bit obscure to search for. 4k is more comm...

yeah I will probably be looking for KVM switches, what I am not sure is on one hand I have thunderbolt 4, on the other hand, I have a motherboard, which doesn't have a thunderbolt - just display port, so I am very confused on how this whole setup will hookup to both these ports

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