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Https://Europa.Eu/Youreurope/Citizens/Health/Prescription-Medicine-Abroad/Prescriptions/Index_en.Htm Fun questions time, anyone understands EU cross-border and prescription laws? Can

a doctor prescribe something unavailable/illegal in country euX, for the prescription to be then taken euY and claimed?

5 ответов

15 просмотров

at least in germany you can only get the prescribed thing only from an german pharmacy/shop in the time the prescription is valid(90 days for normal things, 7 for narcotics and 6 for contergan and similar).

Martin-Rys Автор вопроса
at least in germany you can only get the prescribe...

How would germany be exempt from this EU-wide rule?

Martin Rys
How would germany be exempt from this EU-wide rule...

for normal meds im sure you can get them from any pharmacy in the eu, but for the ones that require special authorisation like Thalidomide(main ingridient of contergan) i don't think you can get that easily.

I'm actually in germany and you can get meds for your headache without asking a doctor, There are meds with a green slip, You've to pay for the full price of the meds. Red ones, your healt insurance is paying for it. The BTM (for narcotics) looks like a Certificate, is valid for 7 days.

Witold 🖤🩶
I'm actually in germany and you can get meds for y...

red are one public health insurance, private ones are blue for recommendations and orders.

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