169 похожих чатов

I don't understand why some people get surprised when they

find someone using eclipse, rather than Intellij Idea. How's that surprising? (if it is surprising for you, at all)

7 ответов

14 просмотров

they are generally beginner imo if i try to flex vim or emacs in front of a beginner, they will wither think im noob bcs i dont use what they are usin

because eclipse is stupid memory hogger text editor

required-optional Автор вопроса
because eclipse is stupid memory hogger text edito...

It is the only good open source alternative to Intellij, for java devs at least. Right? And I think I is not so bad. It is nearly as good as Intellij, I think.

use whatever IDE makes you more productive

required-optional Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
use whatever IDE makes you more productive

Sometimes bad habits make you more productive with worse tools. It doesn't mean you should continue using that tool. So, I sometimes stop and rethink about what I use.

required optional
Sometimes bad habits make you more productive with...

you have gone too philosophical and meta, can you give examples of what you mean?

required-optional Автор вопроса
MrObjectOriented Ass
you have gone too philosophical and meta, can you ...

You start editing pictures with MS Paint which is very easy to learn. You test Adobe PS but you are not productive, because you are not familiar with it. But it doesn't mean you should avoid switching. So you spend your time to become productive using PS.

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