169 похожих чатов

Initially Flutter engine is taking time to load the application.

How can i reduce that time?

4 ответов

7 просмотров

On which platform??

Anonymous- Автор вопроса

The first time is normal, but later it should be cached, anyway check any other thing that could make it load slow, like assets preloading, defer load of views and so

Reducing the initial loading time of a Flutter web application is crucial for providing a better user experience. Here are some strategies you can consider to optimize the loading performance: 1. Splash Screen: - Add a splash screen (or loading screen) to your web app's index.html. - A splash screen will display while the app is loading, preventing a blank screen during startup. - This also helps improve the perceived loading time by showing something visually appealing to users while the app initializes². 2. Deferred Loading (Lazy Loading): - Consider using deferred loading (also known as lazy loading) for heavy components or libraries. - Deferred loading allows you to load specific parts of your app only when they are needed, rather than loading everything upfront. - For example, you can use ListView.builder or GridView.builder with a suitable cacheExtent to render only visible widgets and improve the web page's heaviness if it's a lengthy single page¹. 3. Tree Shaking: - The Dart compiler automatically performs tree shaking, which removes unused code from your app. - Ensure that you're not importing unnecessary packages or components. - Tree shaking helps reduce the size of your JavaScript bundle, leading to faster loading times³. 4. Preloading WebAssembly (CanvasKit): - The initial load time can be improved by preloading the CanvasKit WebAssembly (`.wasm`) file. - Add the following lines to your index.html within the <head> section: <script src="https://unpkg.com/canvaskit-wasm@0.33.0/bin/canvaskit.js"></script> <link rel="preload" href="https://unpkg.com/canvaskit-wasm@0.33.0/bin/canvaskit.wasm" as="fetch" crossOrigin="anonymous"> - Replace the URLs with the appropriate versions based on your Flutter and CanvasKit versions. - This change ensures that both the main Dart file (`main.dart.js`) and the CanvasKit WebAssembly file are downloaded in parallel, improving the initial loading time¹. Remember that optimizing the initial load time involves a combination of techniques, and you may need to profile your app to identify specific bottlenecks. Regularly test your app's performance and adjust your strategies accordingly. 😊 Source: Conversation with Bing, 5/2/2024 (1) Optimizing Flutter Web App Initial Load Times - Stack Overflow. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78145531/optimizing-flutter-web-app-initial-load-times. (2) How to reduce loading time of flutter web app - Stack Overflow. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61756257/how-to-reduce-loading-time-of-flutter-web-app. (3) Optimizing performance in Flutter web apps with tree shaking and .... https://medium.com/flutter/optimizing-performance-in-flutter-web-apps-with-tree-shaking-and-deferred-loading-535fbe3cd674. (4) undefined. https://unpkg.com/canvaskit-wasm@0.33.0/bin/canvaskit.js. (5) undefined. https://unpkg.com/canvaskit-wasm@0.33.0/bin/canvaskit.wasm. (6) undefined. https://unpkg.com/.

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