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#Google #play #search Короче, поговорил с суппортом: Anatoly5:05 PM Hello! I have published

my application on 11/29/2019. I can install one via the direct link XXX, but I cannot find one in Google Play even using the full name "XXX".

What is wrong?

Thanks in advance for any hints!
Suraj5:05 PM
Thank you for your patience. I'm investigating, please give me a moment.
Suraj5:07 PM
Thank you for your patience.
Suraj5:07 PM
When searching on Google Play, app search works across title, publisher and app descriptions. It's not easy to refine the search results appropriately when it comes to generic words that may also happen to be brand names or titles. For example, when a user searches for "Color Game", it's difficult to tell if the user is searching for an app named "Color Game" or for a game about colors. Because of this, we cannot guarantee that every app will display in search results for its name.

Please note, we show a limited number of search results in Google Play to ensure the best user experience. If your app's search rank for a specific term is too low, your app will not display in results. Keep in mind, however, that your app is always available by direct link, which you can share with users as you actively market your app.
Suraj5:07 PM
Another option is to promote your app with a paid Google Ads campaign through the Play Console. These app promotion ads can show across many Google ad networks including Google Search, YouTube, and websites and apps that are part of the Google Display Network.

You can learn how to set up a Universal App Campaign (https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/62627000 in our help center.
Suraj5:08 PM
Here are some tips that can help your app's visibility on Google Play:

- Build a lasting and meaningful experience for your users

- Maintain and improve your app through regular updates

- Encourage users to provide feedback by leaving reviews and ratings for your app

- Provide great customer service by responding to your users and addressing issues

To improve your app’s visibility, I recommend downloading the Playbook for Developers App (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.secrets) on Google Play.
Suraj5:08 PM
I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, please let me know. I'm happy to help.
Suraj5:11 PM
Are you still there? I'll hang on for a few more minutes in case you respond.
Suraj5:17 PM
Thanks for chatting with Google Play Developer Support today! Your chat session is now complete.
Suraj ended the chat

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