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свежое приложение, заполнил форму, почему используется этот permissions но пока так и висит статус Удалено. Ни модерации, ничего. Что делать, чтобы вернуть приложение в play маркет?

Приложение удалено из Google Play, так как оно нарушает Правила программы для разработчиков приложений Google Play.

Issue: Violation of the Permissions policy

You may only request permissions that are necessary to implement critical features or services currently available in your app. You may not use permissions that give access to user or device data for undisclosed, unimplemented, or disallowed features or purposes. SMS and Call Log Permissions are subject to additional restrictions; in order to use these permissions, you must first receive approval from Google Play.

Next steps

Please read through the Permissions policy and the Play Console Help Center article (which describes intended uses, exceptions, invalid uses, and alternative options for use of Call Log or SMS permissions) to determine which of the following options applies to your app:

Option 1) If your app does not require access to Call Log or SMS permissions:

Remove the specified permissions from your app’s manifest, or migrate to an alternative implementation, then publish the updated version of your app using the standard release process.
Option 2) If your app’s use case is not eligible but you require additional time to make the necessary changes to your app:

You may request an extension by releasing a new version of your APK with a higher version code. You'll be required to complete a Permissions Declaration as a step in the release process. Select the option "No, this release does not meet the SMS and Call Log permissions policy," and fill out the remainder of the form's required fields. You will have until March 9, 2019 to make the necessary changes to your app.
Option 3) If your app is a default handler, or you believe your app qualifies for an exception:

Release a new version of your APK with a higher version code. You'll be required to complete a Permissions Declaration as a step in the release process. Select the appropriate use case for your app and fill out the remainder of the form's required fields.

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