169 похожих чатов

1- what are the latest Android versions? The most important

Marshmallow new features?
2- what is the purpose of the Activity?
3- what is the purpose of the Fragments?
4- explain the lifecycle of the Activity?
5- explain the lifecycle of the Fragment?
6- you’re using a traveling app then you clicked settings button, Settings Activity opened, then you clicke Android back, what’s the lifecycle of the Settings Activity and the Home Activity when you did that?
7- what do you know about Material design?
8- what’s the difference between Abstract class and Interface in Java?
9- what’s the interface in Java?
10- what’s Abstract class in Java?
11- why you couldn’t create an instance from an abstract class?
12- what’s the difference between Dialog and AlerDialog in Android?
13- what’s the difference between LinearLayout and RelativeLayout?
14- which has better performance, LinearLayout or RelativeLayout?
15- given a simple contact item, with image and name and number, how could you implement it in XML?
16- what’s the Service, which thread it operates on?
17- what’s the difference between Service and IntetntService?
18- what’s ANR message?
19- explain the BroadcastReciever job and implementation?
20- can you use a Fragment with no UI? What cases could make you use this pattern?
21- explain the Java access modifiers?
22- what’s the difference between Default and Protected access modifiers in Java?
23- what do you know about AsynTask?
24- what’s the difference between Parcelable and Serializable? Which one is better? why?
25- how to access a variable in Activity from fragment?
26- you have one Activity with two fragments, one has a button and the second has a TextView, clicking the button change the TextView, how do you implement it?
27- how to make a variable thread safe?
28- what strategies we can use to achieve thread safety?
29- what is the purpose of “static” keyword in Java?
30- how could you initialize a static variable in Java?
31- what design patterns you know?
32- explain the builder pattern?
33- when do you use an observer pattern?
33- what’s the Singleton, when do you use it in Android?
34- what’s the difference between the LinkedList, ArrayList and Arrays?
35- what projects currently you work on? What is your workflow to implement a specific feature?
36- how do you handle Firebase push notifications?
37- how do you implement Firebase realtime Database?
38- you have a big project, and you have a login screen requirement, what processes you will follow to ship it?
39- what’s an eventbus?
40- what the thread that onRecieve method of a BroadcastReceiver operates on?
41- how to implement a custom BroadcastReceiver?
42- what’s the difference between MVC and MVP?
43- could you explain MVVM?
44- what’s the M in MVP? Answering … could it be a something else?
45- what’s the purpose of Content Provider?
46- what Sqlite library do you use?
47- what libraries do you use for Networking, Image loading, Database?
48- what do you use to handle a very fast Sensor that emit many readings at a time in Rx way?
49- what’s the difference between map and flatMap() in Rxjava?
50- how to create parallel Network calls with Rxjava?
51- if you have one request from the network and you want to call the cache if Network throw an error … how to achieve that via Rxjava?
The funny thing that I’ve read Dan lew blog post about this case, implemented it twice before, but couldn’t answering this question during the interview … bad things happen.
52- what’s the difference between concatMap() and flatMap() in Rxjava?
53- what do you know about Intents? What is the purpose of categories in Intents?
54- what’s the purpose of FrameLayout?
55- how to compare between Two objects?
56- Java is pass by Value or pass by Reference?
57- when you use observeOn() and subscribeOn()?

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