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Мне кажется тем же самым закончится "I have been using

vim for about a year now, not as my "main IDE" but rather as something I was interested in, as I started learning more about advanced navigation, commands and different features of just the vanilla vim, I fell down the rabbit hole of plugins, so as any other typical r/vimporn user, I went ahead and spiced up my neo(vim) with gruvbox, Nerdtree, coc etc Now the more extensions I installed, it felt like I was kinda defeating the purpose of using vim, For me vim was supposed to be a light weight and fast terminal based editor which was powerful at the same time, Not a bloated editor, coming closer to VsCode with every plugin I installed, Felt like this was at the end of the day, useless, I am here building the perfect "configuration", But I was just making it to closer a traditional IDE, With slow loadtimes, bloated Extensions etc, So I guess my question is, or rather a thought open to discussion, What is then, the point of using vim / nvim when all you are doing it is bringing it closer to vscode, I do realise maybe its the customizablity of it? Maybe powerusers want to fully be in control of their IDE? I dont know, after wasting an hour of mine, setting up spacevim, I thought "dang, I could be doing something better than spicing up my workspace""

2 ответов

31 просмотр

Я на это всегда напоминаю что сам GNU+Linux это IDE для разработки на С, технически. И никто не мешает это вернуть

Yaroslav-Sh. Автор вопроса
Лінь із Самосвідомістю
Я на это всегда напоминаю что сам GNU+Linux это ID...

перед тем как пропагандировать мне вим, ни кто про это не сказал

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