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Function try block is to translate an exception thrown from

a base or member subobject. That's Moral #1. Moral #2 says that destructor function try blocks are entirely usele—

“—But wait!” I hear someone interrupting from the middle of the room. “I don't agree with Moral #1. I can think of another possible use for constructor function try blocks—to free resources allocated in the initializer list or in the constructor body!”

Sorry, no. Remember that once you get into your constructor try block's handler, any local variables in the constructor body are also already out of scope, and you are guaranteed that no base subobjects or member objects exist anymore, period. You can't even refer to their names. Either the parts of your object were never constructed, or those that were constructed have already been destroyed. So you can't be cleaning up anything that relies on referring to a base or member of the class (and anyway, that's what the base and member destructors are for, right?).

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