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@Dev0x93 maybe lets ask reverse: do you think a deflation

is good for an economy?

10 ответов

9 просмотров

Why would that be beneficial? We need a balance, governments in third world countries do not respect that balance. They use central banks to tax you without you even able to do anything Printing money to keep paying public workers it's just a scam And this is not only a third world countries problem, USA keeps printing dollars to support their wars and whatever shit they need. Making the whole economy a mess

Daniel- Автор вопроса
Eduard Rivas
Why would that be beneficial? We need a balance, g...

I think the balance is a government regulated currency USA is doing fine with their inflation and so are most modern democracies The problem is a shitty government, not the regulation of money So: Yes I totally see why it makes sense for your country and many others But in the end it's just a workaround to fix the problem of a shitty government

I think the balance is a government regulated curr...

you're wasting your time 🙂 the word "government" triggers bad emotions in some people due to some of their life experiences. There's a reason there are anarchists around. Yet somehow nobody managed to build an up-to-scale anarchist country with a blockchain as monetary system and a healthy economy

Roman Sharkov
you're wasting your time 🙂 the word "government" t...

i come from a third world country and i do hate the word "government"

I think the balance is a government regulated curr...

Banks are not the problem if governments are not corrupted. But they keep making the whole population pays the price of their actions. It should be illegal to cause more inflation than needed to keep up with a "growing" economy

jeff lemon
i come from a third world country and i do hate th...

absolutely understandable. I was originally born to Kazakhstan and I know what incompetent, corrupt and repressive government means 🙂

Roman Sharkov
you're wasting your time 🙂 the word "government" t...

El Salvador is trying to, you just keep throwing shit because you can't see anything and this is too young Instead of helping, you're just hating lol

Eduard Rivas
El Salvador is trying to, you just keep throwing s...

I will gladly see them fail... or succeed 🙂 I don't care much about El Salvador

Roman Sharkov
I will gladly see them fail... or succeed 🙂 I don'...

Exactly, you care about yourself only. That why I can't take your comments in a serious way.

Daniel- Автор вопроса
Eduard Rivas
Banks are not the problem if governments are not c...

yep, but having control over things like prime rates by the government is very good and needed to provide a stable economy I don't see how that would work with crypto tbh if they can't make inflation, they'll just rise taxes tbh

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