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Unpublished core team MySQL FAQ. Q: How much does MySQL cost? A:

MySQL is free!

Q: Why should I use MySQL?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: Who do I call if I find a bug in MySQL?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: Is database recovery automatic after the server crashes?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: Are all data changes recorded in the binary log?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: How do I get referential integrity?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: How do I get multi-user transaction control?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when ALTER TABLE ... SET NOT NULL encounters a NULL value?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens to foreign keys when InnoDB is not running?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: How do I get snapshot isolation (multiversion concurrency control)?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when you divide by zero in MySQL?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when an application tries to insert a NULL value into a NOT NULL column with no DEFAULT?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when an application tries to insert a NULL value into an AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY column?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens to the table when you add or drop an index?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What rows will WHERE column IS NULL match, when applied to a NOT NULL column?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: Does MySQL let you code spaces in function references, as in SELECT MIN ( salary )?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: How do I get to use all the column and index types?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when you try to insert 'xxxxxxxxxx' into a VARCHAR(5) column?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when you try to insert 123456.78 into a NUMERIC(5,2) column?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when you try to insert '2008-02-31' into a DATE column?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when you try to insert '2008-03-00' into a DATE column?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when you try to insert '0000-00-00' into a DATE column?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when you try to insert 'xxx' into a DATE column?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when you try to insert 99999999999 into a INT column?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when you try to insert 'xxx' into a INT column?
A: MySQL is free!

Q: What happens when you try to insert a numeric value into an ENUM column?
A: MySQL is free!

6 ответов

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хоть бы на пастбин закинул, ей богу

Я так и не понял, MySql платный или нет?

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