Chris Manson, speaking at EmberConf, discussed the transition of Ember's build system from the old Ember CLI to Embroider, aligning with modern JavaScript practices. Embroider serves as a translation layer, converting legacy Ember apps and add-ons to ECMAScript modules (ESM). Key points: 1. Embroider's Role: Converts old Ember apps to the new ESM format in three stages: - Rewriting add-ons - Rewriting the app - Passing the translated code to a modern packager like Webpack or Vite 2. Challenges with Ember CLI: Ember CLI's legacy system is outdated, complex, and incompatible with new JavaScript standards. 3. Importance of Rollup Plugins: Used in Embroider to dynamically resolve and load modules. 4. Future Improvements with Vite: Vite integration aims to improve build and rebuild speeds by eliminating the need for a rewritten app, allowing developers to point Vite directly at their source code. 5. Vite App Blueprint: Announced as the new default build tool for Ember projects, making the development process faster and more efficient. Manson encouraged trying the new blueprint and providing feedback for continuous improvement.
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