169 похожих чатов

Hello, I'M getting this error while connecting from test to prod.

i made all necessary entries in hba file. But application did not face this issue. Any one have idea on this?

psql: error: connection to server on
"", port 5432 failed: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "dba", database "postgres", no encryption

5 ответов

19 просмотров

It's telling you to look into your pg_hba.conf file and see why this is. This file configures HOW and WHICH users may connect. If a user or IP doesn't have a way to login, this is Security working... Anyways, edit that file, read it. And go google for help on enabling what you need. Just be careful. You might be allowing unfettered access to your DB. And you may not have the credentials to edit this file. Good Luck!

Try to add the address from where you are trying to access it, restart the service and then check

Jaisankar- Автор вопроса
It's telling you to look into your pg_hba.conf fil...

I made a entry with ip address and user, but still getting same error.

I made a entry with ip address and user, but still...

did you execute pg_reload_conf()? did you include which db? And which password setting? did you read any articles first https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/auth-pg-hba-conf.html

Jaisankar- Автор вопроса
did you execute pg_reload_conf()? did you include...

I mentioned that I made entry user with database and reload the conf. But getting same error

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