держать? А то у меня тут какие-то проблемы
holms@debian ~/D/c/s/b/t/s/post-infra> kubectl describe hpa prebid-server --namespace prebid
Name: prebid-server
Namespace: prebid
Labels: <none>
Annotations: CreationTimestamp: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 21:19:03 -0400
Reference: Deployment/prebid-server
Metrics: ( current / target )
resource cpu on pods (as a percentage of request): <unknown> / 70%
Min replicas: 15
Max replicas: 60
Deployment pods: 20 current / 0 desired
Type Status Reason Message
---- ------ ------ -------
AbleToScale True SucceededGetScale the HPA controller was able to get the target's current scale
ScalingActive False FailedGetResourceMetric the HPA was unable to compute the replica count: missing request for cpu
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedGetResourceMetric 15s (x3 over 45s) horizontal-pod-autoscaler missing request for cpu
Warning FailedComputeMetricsReplicas 15s (x3 over 45s) horizontal-pod-autoscaler invalid metrics (1 invalid out of 1), first error is: failed to get cpu utilization: missing request for cpu
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