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Why Kubernetes in Kubernetes Now, you could ask, why would anyone

want to run multiple Kubernetes clusters inside of a Kubernetes cluster? Are we crazy? The answer is advanced multi-tenancy use cases as well as operability and automation thereof.

Kubernetes comes with its own growing feature set for multi-tenancy use cases. However, we had the goal of offering our users a fully-managed Kubernetes without any limitations to the functionality they would get using any vanilla Kubernetes environment, including privileged access to the nodes. Further, in bigger enterprise scenarios a single Kubernetes cluster with its inbuilt isolation mechanisms is often not sufficient to satisfy compliance and security requirements. More advanced (firewalled) zoning or layered security concepts are tough to reproduce with a single installation. With namespace isolation both privileged access as well as firewalled zones can hardly be implemented without sidestepping security measures.

Now you could go and set up multiple completely separate (and federated) installations of Kubernetes. However, automating the deployment and management of these clusters would need additional tooling and complex monitoring setups. Further, we wanted to be able to spin clusters up and down on demand, scale them, update them, keep track of which clusters are available, and be able to assign them to organizations and teams flexibly. In fact this setup can be combined with a federation control plane to federate deployments to the clusters over one API endpoint.

And wouldn’t it be nice to have an API and frontend for that?

1 ответов

20 просмотров

А я тут подумал что у хельма есть уже всё необходимое как для темплейтинга и для генерации сертов: http://masterminds.github.io/sprig/crypto.html буду деплоить kubernetes хельмом :)

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