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Https://Github.Com/Kubernetes/Community/Blob/Master/Contributors/Design-Proposals/Resource-Qos.Md#Oom-Score-Configuration-At-The-Nodes Там написано что этот пропозал уже имплементирован, не в курсе

вот это соблюдается?
If limits and optionally requests (not equal to 0) are set for all resources across all containers and they are equal, then the pod is classified as Guaranteed.
If requests and optionally limits are set (not equal to 0) for one or more resources across one or more containers, and they are not equal, then the pod is classified as Burstable. When limits are not specified, they default to the node capacity.

Guaranteed pods are considered top-priority and are guaranteed to not be killed until they exceed their limits, or if the system is under memory pressure and there are no lower priority containers that can be evicted.

1 ответов

4 просмотра

это не про OOM, а про отстрел подов, чтобы недопустить OOM

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