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@Renat_Suleymanov Is that a pre-compiled binary or something you've compiled

If it's a pre-compiled binary, but you have access to the source, just re-compile it and the linker will link the proper libc.so version.
If you don't have access to the source, then you'll have to try and suss out what the correct libc.so it needs and force install that on your system.

I had a similar issue when Ubuntu upgraded to a newer version of libc.so and the binaries I was compiling were no longer running on older systems.
But I had access to a VPS and just installed Ubuntu 22.04(or was it 20.04?) on that and compiled on it.
Even the GitHub runners, on ubuntu-latest were giving me that issue.
Some people, on their GitHub workflow, are now compiling under ubuntu-20.04 and ubuntu-22.04 to get over that issue.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

3 ответов

44 просмотра

THis is my compiled binary with my source code. It compiles from WIndows Lazarus to Linux binary (Lazarus installed with fpcupdeluxe). and then ran on the 18.04.5 Ubuntu. «If it's a pre-compiled binary, but you have access to the source, just re-compile it and the linker will link the proper libc.so version.» Can you describe more? The most interesting thing is that last year's compiled binary is working, and now the same source code gives this error when running my binary Thanks for the help

Gustavo 'Gus'-Carreno 🇵🇹 Автор вопроса
Renat Suleymanov
THis is my compiled binary with my source code. It...

Hummmm, you threw me a curve ball with cross-compile from Windows to Linux. But it's my fault since having switched to Linux after more than 10 years ago, I get blind to Windows!! fpcupdeluxe downloads a set of needed .so files in order to have the linker use them when cross-compiling onto Linux. To be honest I never had a look at said archive to identify the versions of those .so. Like anything in computing there's always a solution. Albeit this one needs a bit of investigation, knowing how to edit fpc.cfg and some clever made build modes. But this is just me trying to guess a solution. What I've seen done, not related to cross-compiling, is how in some GitHub CI/CD workflows, they use specific versions of Ubuntu, instead of ubuntu-latest to compile for Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 in separate actions. If you have enough resources in you computer to run VMs, the best way is to have 2 VMs(Ubuntu 20 and 22) and natively compile from there. The very dubious solution with downloading .so, messing with fpc.cfg, etc is more work than just setting up 2 VMs. Or one, since you're able to compile to Ubuntu 20, from my guessing... What's your opinion on this?

Gustavo 'Gus' Carreno 🇵🇹
Hummmm, you threw me a curve ball with cross-compi...

Thank you very much for such the informative message. I'll research it. I'll reply later. Thanks, bro

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