169 похожих чатов

This my case. Any resolution for above ? Greatly appreciated.

3 ответов

6 просмотров

Yes. Because if you are NOT in the same session. TMP_T does not exist to you. BTW, WHY are you increasing the size of the field? In this case. USE "TEXT" as your field type. It will grow as needed. This concept of "Needing to increase a column size" in a table... Is VERY STRANGE. Especially while you are using the table, and especially a temporary table. Do you have access to psql? if you do, you can find all of the temp tables with: \dt pg_temp*.tmp_t it will tell you what schema pg_temp_1, etc. has the temp table. It will be USELESS to you, because you cannot affect someone elses temp table.

As @CaptainKirkFan already stated, use TEXT. And not only with temporary tables. If you need global temporary tables take a look at https://github.com/darold/pgtt

Rajini-J Автор вопроса

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