169 похожих чатов

Guys, I have one project idea... How about an open

source email service provider with your own PC as a server?

20 ответов

15 просмотров

What about it?

Good look not being sure if your CV was delivered

Ryzen- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
What about it?

Umm sorry, am just newbie in this field 😅😅

Ryzen- Автор вопроса
Good look not being sure if your CV was delivered

Am still a student, just thinking about ideas


Not very practical unless you are fine exposing your PC to the WWW and have a static IP address for your home and have your PC on 24/7

Deadly Q Continuum of Death aka Le Baguette Toxique The Maximalist Minimalist vichy republican From Outer Space
And always at home too

Didn't think about that one as a constraint :D my PC is a bit heavy for me to think about moving it (entire setup may be 45kg)

Martin Rys
What's that got to do with anything?

I am pretty sure the guy who administrate the Mc Donald's wi-fi will be okay to redirect the SMTP port to my machine

Martin Rys
What's that got to do with anything?

Sure, why not, a roaming SMTP server on the move

Déjà vu
reverse dns?

yeah, if you can accept a provider that allows the mail field to be reverse tracked and are fine with missing emails sometimes

Ludovic 'Archivist' Lagouardette
yeah, if you can accept a provider that allows the...

no i mean some kind of domain name system which keep track if new dynamic ip

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