169 похожих чатов

Saying the wrong things online proves i won't be an


9 ответов

24 просмотра

You can’t just talk your mouth out of complex topics you have no expertise in. Good engineers discuss. Great engineers read up before even engaging in discussion. Non-engineers on the other hand simply repeat second-hand dogmas they have gotten from some headline or some techbro blog.

drunktimelord- Автор вопроса
A* Ulven
You can’t just talk your mouth out of complex topi...

if telegram was civil enough where I could get every answer I wanted without people telling me to get educated, I would've been used to doing that by this point

if telegram was civil enough where I could get eve...

What I literally don’t even know where the goal post is. You didn’t just move the goalpost, you dynamited it.

drunktimelord- Автор вопроса
A* Ulven
What I literally don’t even know where the goal p...

yea, I got what I wanted from the conversation, I'm not even thinking about crypto or whatever else the point of discussion was

if telegram was civil enough where I could get eve...

Also you are showing a lack of basic respect towards us, too. You’re demanding us to do your homework. You’re demanding us to be your teachers for free. That is not civil and you will get insulted in return.

drunktimelord- Автор вопроса
A* Ulven
Also you are showing a lack of basic respect towar...

I mean 80% of what I've seen you here is saying cope so it's not like you'd set any other expectations

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