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Hi. I want to quit my job because my boss

blocks me from working on some free software. I have saved money for almost half a year. I have 2.5 years of experience with embedded C / Linux. Should I find a new job first or leave the one I have right away?

13 ответов

26 просмотров

Employers don’t like unemployed candidates

If you can do the first one, why not try that


Think of it this way

Ender- Автор вопроса
Darvesh 🍀
If you can do the first one, why not try that

Because doing full-time job, university, job search and side projects all at the same time is not really comfortable :)

Because doing full-time job, university, job searc...

I am doing all of that and yeah it sucks but life is tough

How does your boss block you?

Ender- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
How does your boss block you?

The company owns everything I do in spare time per my employment agreement and I have to ask permission for everything I intend to publish.

Don't forget to ask the new about their stance regarding OSS contributions

Ender- Автор вопроса
⟨ Simon | Schürrle ⟩
Don't forget to ask the new about their stance reg...

More importantly, I'm going to read contracts more carefully. But ideally I would like such contributions to be part of my work too.

More importantly, I'm going to read contracts more...

Depends on the company. We're actively encouraged to contribute to open source projects and we even sponsor some projects.

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