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What are legal ramifications of contributing to FOSS when everything

you do even outside of work hours is owned by a company?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

Well that's why I'm not going to sign contracts that try to take what's mine anymore.

Flolor- Автор вопроса
Well that's why I'm not going to sign contracts th...

I forgot to meantion for the projects you’re contibuting to

I forgot to meantion for the projects you’re conti...

You mean what happens if someone contributes to a project and it later turns out they did not own their copyrights?

Worst case scenario: the company contributor in question worked for tries to take over the project. Such a move was made against nginx. Best case scenario: the company doesn't care. Another possibility is that the project will have to remove the parts of code developed by said contributor. Then you realize you've got contributors from around the world and copyright laws differ between jurisdictions. And finally, nothing you signed or wrote in your license matters if a judge decides it's bs.

Worst case scenario: the company contributor in qu...

Or wait, there's worst worst case scenario: the company takes over the project *and* makes you pay "damages" for this software being distributed as free.

Flolor- Автор вопроса
Worst case scenario: the company contributor in qu...

oof, I forgot about NGINX yeah, that’s terrible

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