169 похожих чатов

Do you know how to get a master/global switch for

microphone access? (OFF means no app can access microphone, ON means allow permission system to manage it)
Recently I have observed that my phone is spying on my conversations and showing me related ads

10 ответов

11 просмотров

if its android then A10+ there is a setting that shows what all apps are using specific permissions

Nickdex-👨‍💻 Автор вопроса
if its android then A10+ there is a setting that s...

I need a master switch. Even if I can see, still need to manage it per app


Hey, you're not the first one to suspect it. Do you mind if I forward it to a privacy and security discussion group?

Nickdex-👨‍💻 Автор вопроса
Code Monkey
Hey, you're not the first one to suspect it. Do y...

Yes, please. Usually I label it as conspiracy theory. But it has been happening too often recently to be simply a coincidence

Nickdex 👨‍💻
Yes, please. Usually I label it as conspiracy theo...

It is a conspiracy, but the actual answer is even more scary.

Nickdex 👨‍💻
Yes, please. Usually I label it as conspiracy theo...

palone: It's the bader-meinhoff Effect in practice Using voice to target ads would be a collosal waste of resources and a PR disaster if people find our Analyzing your browsing and searching is waaaaay more effective and waaaay cheaper than eavesdropping. Speech recognition is still relatively bad, especially when not directly speaking into the mic, accents, mutliple people, accents etc Uploading hours of voice generates also way more data Jaap / Nox 🇳🇱: This + having conversation/item A on their mind might have influenced their online actions over the past period which caused that item to be relevant to show for advertisers, without having to specifically search for that item. There are documented examples of someone receiving ads related to pregnancy (child care products, etc) before they knew they were pregnant or told anyone. palone: Eavesdropping can be used for training speech recognition models tho, but that doesn't happen at scale because you need humans to verify what was said Target or walmart did write a piece about this Jaap / Nox 🇳🇱: Target all the way back in 2012 already I think yea xD palone: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/

Code Monkey
palone: It's the bader-meinhoff Effect in practice...

I can't forward from other groups because it's against the rules here. But, this is the end of the thread. That's it. You're phones are not eavesdropping.

Nickdex-👨‍💻 Автор вопроса

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