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The general rule of thumb questions are, "Is an alarming

percentage of your population able to not be kidnapped in their own homes? Are the majority of your population able to put a cup under their faucet and not get sick? Is there a run of mass people on food distribution centers?" Stuff like that

3 ответов

24 просмотра

I think the second question really depends on what your country decides as the policy? Like I know a lot of American places don't just drink water directly from the tap

Kyiro "🐚"-Grey Автор вопроса
𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚘𝚗
I think the second question really depends on what...

Right but that's because they have an abundance to the point they can freely choose that option, not because there is a medical danger from doing so, which is a perfect example

Kyiro "🐚" Grey
Right but that's because they have an abundance to...

Oh. Some of them are tho. From what I've read. But those might just be some remote towns, so again not the majority

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