169 похожих чатов

I am looking for a mail hosting service that supports:

- auto-spam filters
- Virus auto-scanning
- IMAP & SMTP synchronization
- of course, should be Ad free

the mail service should be suitable for a small business(cheap for at least 7 emails per domain).

My current best solution in the market that I have found are:
- Gandi mail that's about ~$0.4 per month/per mailbox + free 2 emails @3Gb space each (thus $24 per year for 7)

- Ionos has $2 per month/25 mailboxes @2Gb space per mailbox (thus ~$24 per year) . Based on my previous interaction, they like to include hidden fees and are very good with unfair vendor lock-in

- There is also Namespace shared hosting @$2.88/month with unlimited mailboxes (thus $34.56 per year) looks ideal at 20Gb to be shared across, but I'm hesitant because of the 300k Inode/files limit.

above solution backup offering details are sketchy thus not guaranteed .

Mail hosting seems to be more expensive than hosting a website/app. There should be serverless email solutions out there

could anyone suggest me any better solution to my problem?

6 ответов

8 просмотров

Yeah, mail hosting is more expensive than hosting a simple web app, but that is due to the resources required by the underlying services. Honestly, I would recommend Zoho Mail, their "Mail Lite" plan. Their offering is decent, and quite cheap.

🍋- Автор вопроса
Jarryd Lisher
Yeah, mail hosting is more expensive than hosting ...

compared to Gandi mail, the cost would still be $24 but with an extra 2GB for each mailbox..not bad alternative.

Have you checked out purelymail?

🍋- Автор вопроса
Spherical Flying Kat 丸い飛びてる猫
Have you checked out purelymail?

thank you for this. but they are more expensive than all above options. They are also in beta and their advanced pricing adds a bit of confusion (for me)


🍋- Автор вопроса

I am poor. my clients are broke.

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