python transfers over to php & javascript pretty well.
is it also the same with frameworks? If I learn laravel does that transfer well to ExpressJS
Basically, the rule of thumb is it's not really about the language interplay, but instead that you've learned to think in a logical order that will translate to almost all programming
A little but not everything is the same What really helps to understand web frameworks is to know how the HTTP protocol works under the hood, if you understand that then it will be easier to wrap your head around any framework
I've been interested in learning how http works under the hood. do yo know of any good resources?
try reading this: the "Message Format" section explains what http requests and responses look like just keep in mind this: it's just a few lines of plain text separated by newlines, and then every language/framework parses it in its own way and makes it available programmatically for you to use
Ive worked with some apis and handled responses as json I think that's what you're referring to right?
not exactly the body section of a HTTP response can be any string of characters: html, plaintext, json, it does not really matter; APIs use JSON as a convention because it's easy
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