169 похожих чатов

How do I choose domain name registrar?

12 ответов

4 просмотра

Price, they're easy to switch.

Ender- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Price, they're easy to switch.

Yeah, but the ToS are enormous and hard to compare. Currently reading legal documents regarding domains on Namecheap's website.

Yeah, but the ToS are enormous and hard to compare...

Why do you even care about reading the ToS?

You buy where domain is the cheapest and then transfer to Cloudflare

Ender- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Why do you even care about reading the ToS?

Because I don't want to have my domain name removed from me in 10 years for some small stupid rule I didn't read.

Ender- Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61024
You buy where domain is the cheapest and then tran...

You mean that company that prevents me from browsing the web anonymously? :)

Because I don't want to have my domain name remove...

I don't think they can, that's ICANN's territory

You mean that company that prevents me from browsi...

And many other things. Cannot wait until the lazy people get pushed out of IT

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