169 похожих чатов

Hi guys , can anyone help me ? when i

open page in web browser it works but when i make get request in postman , it returns error, i have tried to use vpn but it doesn't help

10 ответов

10 просмотров

Did you try copying the request from network tab in devtools in browser?

because postman has it's own user-agent maybe the website or their CDN provider has blocked non browser user-agents

Tigran- Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61930
because postman has it's own user-agent maybe the ...

I am getting the same issue when i make request in my python code

I am getting the same issue when i make request in...

well it depends on the library that you use. are you trying to crawl the website? if so most crawlers do have their own user-agent to respect the website's policy

Tigran- Автор вопроса
Did you try copying the request from network tab i...

What i should try , i don’t understand?

Tigran- Автор вопроса
What i should try , i don’t understand?

F12, press network tab, reload, right click the main request (usually the first one) and copy it

Tigran- Автор вопроса
F12, press network tab, reload, right click the ma...

i could copy the request , but i need it to be copied in code every hour

i have used the request library in python

the request library by default has a user agent like this python-requests/2.2.1 CPython/2.7.5 Darwin/13.1.0 try to manually fill the user-agent with firefox user-agent for example. maybe that could help.

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