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Hey, How do you achieve a serverless architecture?

3 ответов

11 просмотров

well, ali if you are from iran and asking for an already existing solution. your best option is PaaS providers such as arvancloud. if you are asking for a self hosted solution i'm not aware of a particular open source one. perhaps https://github.com/metacall is ready for self-hosting !? — anyway it goes like this... you figure out the requirements for your services. and figure out what points of the bussness logic runs less often. then you can upload the code on a FaaS provider and get charged by the processing power it takes to run that pice of code. as for stateful applications you can use DaaS or resort to PaaS as well. if you want a more detailed answer. well you better research because this is a wide subject.

Ali- Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61930
well, ali if you are from iran and asking for an a...

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation! :) I'll check the MetaCall topic you have shared! What's Faas btw?

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation! :) I'll...

function as as service. it's a fancy way of saying we will run your small piece of code. for example, cloudflare workers are free you can try it out. you can host a small telegram bot with nothing but cloudflare workers. or maybe a static website .... the enterprise version of FaaS would be AWS lambda. you can also research about "firecracker" the technology behind aws lambda

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