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I have an application using MongoDB for it. To speedup

queries I decided to use a cache layer like Redis. So on all add, update, remove query, we made changed on both (MongoDB and Redis) then on READ queries, we just read from redis. Also there is redis module which called Redisearch.

The problem is Redisearch is so complicated to worth with. There is no "remove record" query.
My questions are:
1- is there any CURD API (with sql or mql query language and example documentation) which can be connected to Redisearch engine and our app just work with it?
2- What about other options such as Elasticsearch? Is it better and easier but fast enough option to be cache for MongoDB?

5 ответов

5 просмотров

elastic is a full fledged database that happens to also provide search results, and no i don't think there is an sql wrapper for redisearch. you could look at some libraries

Amir Salar-Pourhasan 🌱 Автор вопроса
elastic is a full fledged database that happens to...

but redis is much faster than elastic. what do you think. You think if I use elastic for read queries for my mongo, it would be very faster or just a list speed up? I dont have sense about it.

Amir Salar Pourhasan 🌱
but redis is much faster than elastic. what do you...

i have no idea about your data model and such, but all i can say is redis (not redisearch) is surely faster than elastic for pure reads. you would have to research for your usecase

Amir Salar-Pourhasan 🌱 Автор вопроса
i have no idea about your data model and such, but...

yes its very faster. the problem is complex queries.

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