169 похожих чатов

Hi guys, do you know a package that can : -

start a web-server
- you specify actions and requests and it will follow it ?


For example in a configuration file, you have :

GET /name
echo 'request from %paran%'

POST /fullname
param1, param2
mkdir param1 param2

The first line is the request
The second parameters
The third is the command line it will execute 🤔

Then run : command --port 30 --conf myconfig.txt

10 ответов

6 просмотров

Probably doesn't exist since literally giving out remote code execution isn't the greatest idea lol

d4rk3r-. Автор вопроса
Sean ✨
Probably doesn't exist since literally giving out ...

mhh... am facing a situation where i need that lol !

d4rk3r .
mhh... am facing a situation where i need that lol...

Everybody is free of commiting suicide. you can run a php server, and then https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.exec.php run as root, so the attacker have it easier!

d4rk3r-. Автор вопроса

https://github.com/Sanix-Darker/dycow i made something... and it works pretty fine following my requirements.

d4rk3r .
mhh... am facing a situation where i need that lol...

To run remote commands it’s standard to use SSH There’s also apps for your phone. For strong security, use ssh keys 🔑

d4rk3r-. Автор вопроса
To run remote commands it’s standard to use SSH ...

i was not searching to run remote ssh commands but able to create a quick rest api service that can receive some parameters, do a specific stuff and respond 🤔

d4rk3r .
i was not searching to run remote ssh commands but...

Oh I see. A quick laravel app with background jobs would do the trick. Autentification included. There’s docker images ready to deploy. The hole process is 20min

d4rk3r-. Автор вопроса
Oh I see. A quick laravel app with background job...

interesting thanks ! The thing is i was making this tool for my raspberry pi where i wanted to start a tiny web-server, for laravel it was too much to install, same for docker that is realy huge... With dycow you have only 3 steps : - Create a configuration file for example : - GET /test?name cmd: echo 'Custom command !!!' res: Hello #name# ! And in the CLI, hit : pip install dycow dw 3000 conf_file It will run on port 3000 and following rules in the conf_file

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