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Is it harder to sell Web based software to companies

than software that runs locally?

5 ответов

11 просмотров

Yes and no. It depends what business model you chose. If you'd like to sell your platform as SaaS, yes, it would be harder, but if you'll just sell them sources and they can locally deploy your solution, then it's no different than any other ordinary software

MUTHU・KUMAR 「メーカー」 🔺
SaaS is harder to sell?

Sorry, I was sleepy and completely misunderstood the question. I thought Peterbytes asked if it's harder to sell web software to companies that prefer to run things locally. No, SaaS is easier to sell in general, but it costs more for you at the start. Local web apps is harder to sell because the client had to do all that organizational shit to deploy it and it's a pain in the ass for them. Although, it would not cost almost anything for you in terms of servers, but it sure will take your time for deployment and support. If a company doesn't care if they have their software locally or as a SaaS, SaaS is definitely easier to sell.

Sorry, I was sleepy and completely misunderstood t...

SaaS costs less to start, that's one of its allures. Local software may come with upfront licensing costs and such, given the product is not open source

MUTHU・KUMAR 「メーカー」 🔺
SaaS costs less to start, that's one of its allure...

I was thinking more in terms of the server cost, but you're right. If you don't distribute your code/app, but distribute the ability to use your app on your server through your website, you don't have to care about licensing your code and worrying about leaks

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