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I don't like to go to university in my country

and I found a good job as a programmer here but if one day I would like to go to Europe (as a middle-eastern), I would need that?

31 ответов

6 просмотров

Even in spain you will get jobs without diplomas, most companies perform a "test" to see what you really know...

Even in spain you will get jobs without diplomas, ...

Its different per country. In US they wish to see degree for jobs paying over $70k. In Eastern Europe, jobs rarely pay that much and most do not require degree. In Canada, degree seems less needed but pay is higher. In Asian countries, degree is more important

XZainethe Ombperettasciente LeGraetta
Its different per country. In US they wish to see ...

You can't compare incomes in different contries, the cost of life in USA is way too different than in Spain for instance

amiros- Автор вопроса
Even in spain you will get jobs without diplomas, ...

wow thanks, I love Spain. is programming a make-living job there?

You can't compare incomes in different contries, t...

Sure but if they are remote jobs which most are now then it does matter

amiros- Автор вопроса
XZainethe Ombperettasciente LeGraetta
Its different per country. In US they wish to see ...

thank you very much, the thing is my country's finances are gonna crush sooner or later. I'm a very hard programmer and a seeker to learn as much as I can. but unfortunately, I can't see a bright future right here

thank you very much, the thing is my country's fin...

To leave a country will usually require a degree especially as borders are closing and more people are on the market so more competition

amiros- Автор вопроса
XZainethe Ombperettasciente LeGraetta
From what he says, doesnt sound like it

Sound odd, I thought programming is a well-paid job and in high demand

amiros- Автор вопроса
Sound odd, I thought programming is a well-paid jo...

It is, don't pay attention to the other guy, to him if you're not Mark Zuckerberg you won't get a job...

It is, don't pay attention to the other guy, to hi...

I never said that I only said it is important to understand your place in the market

amiros- Автор вопроса
XZainethe Ombperettasciente LeGraetta
To leave a country will usually require a degree e...

that's a little bit disappointing, cause educational programs here SUCKS

that's a little bit disappointing, cause education...

You can live just fine by developing websites, for instance, as freelancer.

that's a little bit disappointing, cause education...

Sadly you will have to consider how many countries have a negative perception of Iran and most jobs now are more about culture fit

You can live just fine by developing websites, for...

To know how much to charge a client for your work as freelancer you have to know how it compares to others in your industry... :)

XZainethe Ombperettasciente LeGraetta
To know how much to charge a client for your work ...

It depends in the country you live, don't be so negative about it, things ain't that bad out there

XZainethe Ombperettasciente LeGraetta
Nothing I am saying is negative

"know your place" ? It's like "if you don't learn X, Y ,Z you're garbage"

"know your place" ? It's like "if you don't learn ...

No? Its literally just understanding if you are senior or junior with a given tech

amiros- Автор вопроса
XZainethe Ombperettasciente LeGraetta
Sadly you will have to consider how many countries...

I know, sadly people like us programmers here who want to do big jobs are kinda prisoners here, more importantly, people around the world consider me as a terrorist

It depends in the country you live, don't be so ne...

You cant market your services appropriately without knowing what others charge and how your work compares

I know, sadly people like us programmers here who ...

That's just a minory, educated people won't see you that way

XZainethe Ombperettasciente LeGraetta
You cant market your services appropriately withou...

Obviously, but leaving a country in chaos to get better opportunities out there, is always possible

XZainethe Ombperettasciente LeGraetta
I never said not to?

You just keep talking about competition, why?

You just keep talking about competition, why?

In response to selling your services and you saying you do not need to know how you compare

XZainethe Ombperettasciente LeGraetta
In response to selling your services and you sayin...

I didn't say I would overcharge people for things that can be done with another developers more eficciently, I just said that I could live a normal life, knowing some technologies and performing an acceptable job, while improving yourself everyday.

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