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Is devOps engineer a job which can be easily done

remotely? (Saying digital nomads)

12 ответов

13 просмотров

The job itself is but if you'll be able to depends on the company

Usually yes.

David-Mills Автор вопроса
Liλn 🌻
Usually yes.

both as freelancer as normal full remote employee ?

David Mills
both as freelancer as normal full remote employee ...

DevOps engineer as freelance is probably much more difficult because a DevOps engineer usually needs deep knowledge of the developer team and codebase but... yeah, if you can land a freelance position, sure.

Liλn 🌻
DevOps engineer as freelance is probably much more...

I would think DevOps just build pipelines in Jenkins or something to execute whatever test scripts the dev team uses and know where to deploy while maintaining credentials as secrets (perhaps set by the employer).

Пользователь 61701
I would think DevOps just build pipelines in Jenki...

And you think a freelancer can just do the job in a few hours without knowing how the backend works?

Liλn 🌻
And you think a freelancer can just do the job in ...

I would think that they don't have to. Applications tend to be the same unless differently specified by employer. Like using redis or not

David-Mills Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61701
I would think DevOps just build pipelines in Jenki...

hahaha does this escription really represents devops engineer? 😄

David Mills
hahaha does this escription really represents devo...

What do you think devops do? It's just building CI/CD pipelines.

David-Mills Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61701
What do you think devops do? It's just building CI...

well, i dont think so, i had an amazing claryfing conversation here on this channel with @lian0x31 few weeks ago abotu this topic

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