169 похожих чатов

I did almost everything exept trading , you think im

not experienced enough to be aware? No bro i tried those , by the way a virtual number isn't a good choice for many websites , most don't accept voip at all and others accept just for a while and send you sth like these ( we have realised some issue with your account)

Second , you shouldn't use vpn for those payment services, they highly detect most time and restrain your account , you should rent a VPS

Third , many intermediate companies which offer you verified paypal account don't accept or take their blames... they warn at the beginning

2 ответов

8 просмотров

Maybe you're hopeless, I live in the country too, I have a VPS, I have bought anything I wanted without any problems, Steam, Microsoft, DreamHost, etc... I've worked with people and received bitcoins instead of dollars, I also have a PayPal account and rented Dubai server for it, it was useless anyways. I also know very successful people in Iran who see the opportunities rather disappointments and the political and social disasters. If you don't say such people have connections with the government!

Don't forget one important thing, you are most likely a better developer or technician than people in a free country. The way you've been solving problems have had a huge impact on the way your brain thinks.

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