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Any idea on where to start learning ?

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8 просмотров

Start using

I have some resources I've collected. I'll send them in a bit.

Install git Create project on github git clone <url from github> # create files git add . git commit -m "first commit" git push Repeat the 3 last commands every time you make edits The rest will come naturally

Okay here's what you need to get started. These are all text-based resources, because that's generally how I learn. But if you prefer videos, you might wanna look around the known haunts for that kind of stuff. I'm categorizing what I used in no specific order. • Pro Git by Scott Chacon. This is also called the "Git book", and is pretty much where I picked up most of the stuff I know. I've read this almost cover-to-cover, but you don't really need to. I recommend skimming it and trying out commands from it, coming back to the explanations if you get stuck with anything. • Think Like A Git. It's a collection of guided articles that help you develop some kind of a mental model as to how Git works. It's pretty fantastic — check it out once you feel comfortable recognizing basic commands. • Undoing (Almost) Anything With Git. Article by Github with helpful commands on undoing mistakes you make with Git. Pretty useful when you're getting started and prone to making mistakes. Apart from the above, I highly recommend checking out the usage pages (man) for each of the commands that you use which will uncover additional things you can do with them. I personally use Mankier to browse man pages in the browser because they come with useful TL;DR commands that are commonly used. Note: You cannot learn Git without trying out the commands yourself! Install Git and gitk (or simply Git For Windows, if on Windows, which installs everything you'll need) and type out each command, trying out variations and experimenting with different ways to configure your repository. Always keep a playground repository on hand to test out Git commands until you get comfortable with what they do.

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