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Senario: Imagine we have an API system for our customers.

They use our service on their mobile or desktop.

We need to creare a proxy application. Our servers IP are in this application. Client open the application and turn on the proxy. Now all of the outgoing internet requests should be seprated to 2 part.

1- Requests to out server.

2- Request to rest of endpoint it the internet for example opening gmail or etc.

Then we want if client outgoing request was to our service, the proxy app detect it and send it to one of our proxy IPs. If its not to our server, jusy rely it to endpoin wihtout proxy effect. They should not be able to open other endpoints with our proxy application.

First of all how we can detect and split all outgoint http requests of a device by one application? How the login works. Is there any example for that?

Second is we need it for Mobile OS, Desktop Windows and Linux and MacOS, Smart TVs.

2 ответов

5 просмотров

why would you care about where the request is going? intercept all requests & forward them to the proxy which then forwards the requests to the destination

So a regular proxy with a whitelist?

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