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Didn'T quite work 🤓 But just because it's really bothering me: Photons

do have mass and they do travel at the speed of light c which is also because they essentially are light, therefore the name.

How does that work?
1. They have mass because Mass is Energy and they surely have energy. You can calculate that mass with the famous E = mc²
2. How do they do reach the speed of light without infinite energy?
Only objects with resting mass need infinite energy to reach c. (have a look at the lorentz factor for this)
Photons don't have resting mass and they don't even need to reach c because they can't get below c (except for switching medium, but then just the value of speed of light changes)

They are not traveling at something like 0.99c! This would also be kind of slow considering LHC can speed protons (something that has resting mass) up to 0.99999999c or something-

2 ответов

18 просмотров

Photon definitely doesn't have a mass, i thought this is pretty intutive in modern physics. The whole speed of light thing can be explained from the formula E = m.c^2 you either have to make E approaching the infinite or m approaching the zero which is the case with photons, mass and energy are two different things, your body will stop producing any considerable energy once you are dead and yet, you will still have ur mass.

@GhAliesh i told you

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