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I know this is a flames question, but I'm tired

of seeing C vs C++ topics.

I'm a C programmer, but anywhere I go they tell me to just move to C++, and I don't understand why.

I admit that the last time I coded in C++, I left it for C# and my last C++ version was 11 if I'm not wrong.

Here are my opinions: I find C++ unnecessarily complex. Stuff you do in C++ with templates and classes, you can do it with a few methods in C - that might be the same for C++, but I find C to be more clear and above all straight-forward instead of trying to even guess what kind of *_cast<😠) you need. I also find C++ horribly unreadable at times and all that sugar may lead to errors.

I also noticed you more often need helpers / refactoring and thinking than in C. I mean, why do I need a class for simple tasks that don't require it?

Most examples I found about C vs C++ were specific cases for both languages where you don't or can't argue because it's both true and wrong.

Also people having hatred/contrasting opinions don't really help.

What's your points?

3 ответов

7 просмотров

C and C++ have different advantages and disadvantages, so just use whichever is better. If you're more comfortable with C you can continue using it unless you're like making a game or smr(im mostly using C for 5 years now)

I'd just say get used to get flamed for your language choice...its normal

C++ doesn't force you to create new classes

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