169 похожих чатов

If i have an old project from someone who licensed

it under GNU GPL 2 & 3 and want to extend and port it.
can i use Qt with it, wich is using LGPL? i think yes... but i want to make shure.

i know i have to provide the license text with the sourcecode/programm, but do i have to provide both GPL versions or just one?
who is the copyright holder? just the one who created it first or also me when i add features and?

3 ответов

7 просмотров

If something says GPLv2 or later, you can choose whether to use GPLv2 or v3 with your program. Same when a project is said to be "dual licensed". You can choose one of the two licenses and every fork of your project will have to follow the rules of the license you choose.

Thorbijoern-᚛ᚃᚒᚉ ᚅᚎᚄ᚜ Автор вопроса

there is just one question left unanswered... is just the original author the copyright holder or also me? i believe we have both copyright, after i added my changes.

Oh, I see

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