169 похожих чатов

A. You assumed babies don't understand evolution and religion just

because they haven't been taught that and you consider teaching the only way to acquire knowledge, but we'll leave this aside.
B. What is this understanding? And what is this morality you're talking about? This is some undefined random concepts you just threw in a random universe

1 ответов

10 просмотров

A. wtf? B. I used to word understand in a sense that we see that humans are like us, I think every animal has somekind of instict that makes them feel more compassionate towards their own species. With that comes understanding: "If I feel pain when this happens, then that another thing that is like me must also feel pain when this happens." and with that can come understanding what is "right"(brings good feelings, happines) and "wrong"(brings bad feelings, pain)

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