169 похожих чатов

Most Useful things in this world is created with: - Assembly,

C, then C++
- These three gets wrapped in whatever anybody else feels like.

NodeJs Engineer > NodeJS expert/developer
Python Engineer > Python Dev
.NET Engineer same thing
Java Engineer same thing

These Engineers are essentially clever C, C++ programmers (with some ASM where needed), who try to turn the rest of competition to sth else to avoid overcrowding their niche!

.NET is ASM, C, C++ wrapped in bread and mayonaise.
JVM is C or C++ (C++ for OpenJDK @ AFAIK) wrapped in bread and butter.

Before talking enterprise sometimes, think again: what enterprise?
Enterprise use a lot of langs.

1 ответов

6 просмотров

Enterprises always prefer java and C#, python with django have 3 years LTS, if you run a webapp that is fine, you will update it anyway but enterprise does not update their websites, they need security enhancement for long time, thus java and C# come to play

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