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It'S a web-based language. Every language has its strengths and

Meanwhile, you can program web-based games with PHP.
PHP can't run on stand-alone.
But, what you don't know is that the world is revolving from stand-alones to web-based. PHP is super flexible. You can integrate Ajax in it. It has built-in functions to integrate Ajax and XML. It has to integrate json too. So, what else do online gaming need?
You can create any kind of applications and software with PHP as long as it's online.
You can simulate any machine online, e-payment websites, sumulate robots as long as they are online. PHP is super powerful and flexible too

Like I said, all programming languages has its strengths and weaknesses - PHP can't do stand-alones. It's can build or simulate anything as long as it's online.
Even as powerful as Java is, how many people build websites with jsp?
Python may be used in robotics and artificial intelligence for stand-alones, that may be part of the reasons why it was created by its inventors.
In essence, because you program in a language doesn't mean you have to despise the others. Everyone has a mastery programming language and are pros in it.

Imagine if you learn PHP, you will be in a position to create dynamic websites, web applications, and all types of mobile apps. It’s the single most used programming language out there that’s supported and used by 78.6% developers.

So, always speak constructively and not otherwise.

2 ответов

4 просмотра

Php has no disadvantage over any other language tbh

But, what you don't know is that the world is revolving from stand-alones to web-based. Completely wrong. The world is moving towards containerized portable standalone webapps. It has built-in functions to integrate Ajax and XML. It has to integrate json too. This is not something GOOD with PHP. This is something you should expect in ANY language. Also PHP does these things in the worst way possible, by dumping ALL functions in the global namespace. You can create any kind of applications and software with PHP as long as it's online. You can create any kind of application with assembly too. It doesn't mean that you should. Imagine if you learn PHP, you will be in a position to create dynamic websites, web applications, and all types of mobile apps. ... that are filled with security holes by language design, completely unmaintainable due to lack of standards for style or architecture. PHP actively fights against you while you're creating webapps, so you need to fight back using things like htmlspecialchars, mysqli_real_escape_string, etc It’s the single most used programming language out there that’s supported and used by 78.6% developers. No. Completely wrong. It's used by noobs and some of the common misconceptions around this is that if a site is running wordpress or some wiki software, there must be a dev. No. 90% of these are without writing any custom code.

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