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Hey guys what you think about web 3.0?

11 ответов

14 просмотров

Its evolving Backwards

Until it proves itself - to me it remains a platform for scam and abuse

Alexander Gnatyuk
So is web 2.0

if by "web 2.0" we mean platforms for content creation and exchange then no, it's not just scam and abuse, it's creating value. Telegram is part of it, it allows us to communicate freely. if by "web 3.0" we mean blockchains and crypto-currencies then those are not really creating value right now, they're destroying value by wasting tons of energy to do basically nothing. No crypto has become money and I don't yet see this happening.

Roman Sharkov
if by "web 2.0" we mean platforms for content crea...

> communicate freely Yeah, so fucking free that I can't even see the source code and will loose everything once the company goes broke and before that they are in complete control.

free != anarchy free != free of charge

Alexander Gnatyuk
> communicate freely Yeah, so fucking free that I ...

no, you won't "lose everything" because Tg provides a download feature which you can use to back your all data up if necessary

Roman Sharkov
no, you won't "lose everything" because Tg provide...

Admittedly Telegram is a bit better. But "a bit" isn't good enough. If you're looking for free communication, go to Signal or Matrix. Just don't pretend that Telegram is somehow different to all the other web 2.0 garbage. Just doesn't hurt as much as what's around it.

Alexander Gnatyuk
Admittedly Telegram is a bit better. But "a bit" i...

I can't force people to use Matrix and Signal, and I can't use either if those people don't use'em

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