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🤔🤔 Are there anyway to share chrome or firefox vpn extensions

over whole windows?
i want to use chrome or firefox vpn in all of my windows not only web browser

13 ответов

9 просмотров

Why not do the opposite? Use VPN in windows. It'll be shared in browser too.

Abolfazl- Автор вопроса
Why not do the opposite? Use VPN in windows. It'll...

some of chrome and firefox vpns are free but their windows apps need account

ProtonVPN is free

Abolfazl- Автор вопроса
Abolfazl- Автор вопроса
drunktimelord acts as a VPN

it's blocked in my country i want to learn this : share chrome or firefox vpn connection to whole device

it's blocked in my country i want to learn this :...

That's not possible I think. The extension only works on web traffic.

it's blocked in my country i want to learn this :...

You can import extensions from one browser to another

it's blocked in my country i want to learn this :...

chrome extensions run in v8 sandbox they do not have access to your os networking hence they're just little webpages that set chrome's http/socks5 proxy settings and not vpns you can technically dig into its js script and find out where are those proxy address, port, user and password and use it in windows but that's downright stupid

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